
Little wild flower, Dandelion

There's one poem from Na Tae Joo, a korean poets. Its entitled "Wild Flower". This poem is really touch my heart. It makes me associate ourself with "Wild Flower". The words give me courage and new perspective that the definition of beauty is limitless. I wish i could have wildflower spirit, and among all wild flowers that existed in this world, I think Dandelion is kind of wildflower I wanna be.

Dandelion flower is not grow as ornamental flower that show beauty to everyone. It grows around the weeds that keep hide them in the grass but their beauty never can be covered. Dandelion flower included in the Genus of Taraxacum from Asteraceae family, and It is come from Europe and Asia. Dandelion takes its name from a French term which is "dent de lion" it means "Lion tooth" that refer to the leaves shape.

Little dandelion cheerfully blosom

From the appearance it might be not attractive because it seems like has fragile stalk, and many people consider it as weeds or pest because of the root system has the ability to spread its pollen and easily take over the area. You might curse if it pops up in your lawn, but you can't to not love its flower. It has cheerful bright yellow colour. It has a ton of petals that sometime will turn into feather-like-airy-ball of seed head that will spread throughout the area. 

Airy ball dandelion

On the first glance this lil cute flower just an ordinary flower, but if you look closely, this flower taught us about life. 
Dandelion is the symbol of optimism since they can endure almost any living condition, It can strive even in the crack soil of the pavement sidewalk, in the cold or warm weather outside. They represent overcoming hardship by standing strong and proud. Dandelion is the perfect proof about how even the smallest thing can be powerful to overcome anything that gets thrown on their way. They teach us about survival and persistence, so we can stay strong no matter how the winds blow to our life.

Their bright yellow colour remind us the warmth of the sun, it's simply bring the joy and happiness. It tell us to bring happiness wherever we are. 

Dandelion is quite traveller, taking it seeds miles away from the originating plant. They can live in all places, wherever the winds carrying Dandelion seeds stop. Althogh small, they dare to fly high and bring new life elsewhere. They tell us to not be discourage and don't afraid to dream as high as we want but dare to face all the odds nonetheless.

Dandelion reminds me of my childhood memory, long time ago i loved to play "blow the dandelion seeds then make a wish". I ever heard supersition about that, the remaining seeds that stay is our good luck. 

It is also beautiful to see their head of seed scattered away in the air. It looks like they wear parachute that can help them landing safely wherever the wind stop to carry them. It is magical moment. It feels like God is really wise to create them that way. Subhanallah 

Blow the airy ball seeds then make a wish 

From all the philosophical lessons that Dandelion flower tell us, For me this is the most important lesson that i will cherish in my heart : "Let's look beyond its surface to find the beauty that resides within." ❤

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14 komentar

  1. Baru tahu kalo nama Dandelion ternyata berasal dari kata dent de lion. Tapi daunnya emang bentuknya tajam2 ya, mirip dengan gigi singa, hihi

  2. Memang banyak bunga liar yang cantik. Ini foto niup dandelionnya pas lagi di mana?

  3. Aku juga sukaaaa fotoin Dandelion liar. Senang melihatnya mekar..terlihat rapuh namun sekaligus kuat..berani menempuh 'rute penerbangannya' sendiri2.. 😊

  4. Dandelion is one of my fav flower too.. I made a hand drawing dandelion on a canvas and I hang it in my office

  5. Mbaaak aku juga suka banget sama bunga dandelion n paling excited kalau pas niup-niup bunganya. Terus berimajinasi bunga-bunga kecil itu bak harapan yang membumbung tinggi bersama angin hingga ia bertemu takdir terbaiknya

  6. Mbaaak aku juga suka banget sama bunga dandelion n paling excited kalau pas niup-niup bunganya. Terus berimajinasi bunga-bunga kecil itu bak harapan yang membumbung tinggi bersama angin hingga ia bertemu takdir terbaiknya

  7. Really love the last line quote..
    Always remind us, to not easily judge any book, only through its cover ^^

  8. Baru tahu nih kalau asal namanya dari bahasa Perancis. Anak2 paling suka nih kalau di suruh niup2 bunganya terus pada beterbangan. Ga cuma anaknya, emaknya juga suka hahaha....

  9. Bagus tulisannya, Dendalion ..simbol optimis...jadi ikutan suka puisi Korea Na Tae Jo

  10. Aku belum pernah nemu bunga yang satu ini, Mbak, Dandelion. Baca judul ini malah keingat salah satu nama blog teman bloger gandjel rel yang memang pakai nama Dandelion. Hihi.

  11. Nemu bunga itu aku sering banget di jalan, dan selalu hepi kalau nemu mba hehehe kayak banyak difoto-foto dan video dandelion selalu memberikan magic

  12. Yuni juga paling suka meniup bunga dandelion dan membiarkan bagian bunganya terbang entah kemana. Rasanya tu menarik banget kan. Hehehe

  13. Aku baru tahu bentuknya kalo masih segar itu kayak gitu. Tahunya pas udah jadi benih😆 aku juga sangat suka dandelion

  14. Apik ya bentuknya. Aku baru tahu bentuk dandelion itu. Tahu kata dandelion itu karena ada temen blogger pake nama itu
